Friday, October 12, 2012

Our Children

I have been thinking a lot lately about the kind of example I am setting for my children.  I am on my knees often, praying that I can be a good mother and teach my children to know and love Heavenly Father and his Son, Jesus Christ.  I pray that they will be kind and loving.  I pray that they will gain a strong testimony of the Gospel and know it is true.  I fear because this world is an evil place with many things to distract us from truth.  But there is beauty, love and truth in it as well.  It is just harder to see sometimes, so we must be willing and want to see it.  We must have faith that it is there.  We must remember that man makes mistakes, but God does not.  We must remember what Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Prophets have taught us and never give up.

I have recently heard of mother who vocally has given up on her young child, because this child has friends who tell them they are stupid to believe in the church as well as Jesus Christ.  So should this mother just give up now, just because her child has made opinions based on what their friends say?  NO!  You continue to guide them and help them.  Sit them down and talk to them about their feelings and why they feel the way they do.  Offer examples of things that have happened in their life and yours, that could not happen were it not for faith and the love of Jesus Christ.  And continue to teach by example.  NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR CHILDREN!

Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

I only have young children, I do not understand how to raise a teenager, and I know I have many lessons to learn.  But I was a teenager, and I had and still have goodly parents who know and love the Lord.  They taught by example, they taught us to trust and have faith in our Savior Jesus Christ.  They gave us the guidance and expectations for us to learn to follow Jesus Christ and strive to live by his teachings and desire to be like him.

I pray and bear witness that as long as we continue to strive to be like our Savior, and lead by example, our children will follow, maybe not in this life, but in the next.  Of this I know.  I know that Jesus Christ is the living Son of God.  I know that my Father in Heaven knows me and all my circumstances.  Ask for guidance in raising our children, for they and we are ALL CHILDREN OF GOD!

1 comment:

  1. You are such a good mom. I love reading your testimony. Thank you for being you.
