I do my best to stay away from controversial topics on my blog. But this has weighed heavily on my mind, and I felt I needed to share it.
In the world today,
there are many things that we face that we did not even face 5 years ago. At
least not to the degree we do today. Technology
continues to skyrocket and blow my mind at times. With all these great things that we have,
also comes great wickedness. Not the
technology itself of course, but the people who use it. Satan uses all that is created for our good,
for our destruction! Something that we
are facing in the church today, is who should hold the priesthood. And the media and internet has exploded with
the topic. And through the use of
technology, many have followed and supported this. Now, I understand that there are those who
have a righteous desire to know the answer to whether women should hold the
priesthood. I believe that they have
received their answer. But since it was
not the answer they were seeking, they continue to push the issue. They, through negative influence, are being
deceived. They are unwilling to
understand the purpose of these things, and have lost faith in our leaders. (Let
me remind you, these are my own opinions. And not to be confused with doctrine,
although I think doctrine supports my opinion.)
As a young girl I remember
watching the young men passing the sacrament.
I remember thinking that I could not wait until I got to do that. So I asked my mom when it would be my
turn. She then explained that girls did
not pass the sacrament. I asked why, and
she said because boys hold the priesthood, and girls do not. I asked why, and she said, because women do
not need it, and boys do. That seemed to
satisfy my curiosity and I was fine with that answer. As a young child I had faith that what my
mother was telling me was true. And she
had faith that what the leaders of the church told her was true. And that they
spoke for God.
So why are we as adults so quick to question the leaders of
the church? Why do we doubt them? Do you not know that most doubt comes from
the adversary? Be stronger than
that! Be a woman of God! I believe that we as women have such an
amazing opportunity in this day. We have opportunities we have never had
before! So why don’t we stand up for
ourselves, instead of whining about things we think we are entitled to? I will tell you right now, Kate Kelly has
been deceived by the adversary. I know
this to be true. And I pray that she
will find peace one day in her choices.
Do you not remember that this is all a part of Satan’s plan? False priests who oppress! He declared that this is what he would
do. When you start to follow someone who
preaches and leads you to doubt the words of the prophets, it just shouts deception.
And I cannot understand why this is something that is so hard to see.
As a woman of the church I feel great honor and joy in my
abilities to lead in this church. We
have the power of the priesthood sisters!
And we use it. We may not be
ordained, but we have the power within us. Ordination is not necessary. It is promised to us that we will be granted
all the same glories as any man can. Man
holds nothing over me, and I nothing over him.
We are equals in the eyes of the Lord.
He loves us all equally, so of course we are given equal opportunities
for all the same blessings we are promised, if we keep our covenants.
We are blessed to live in a time and in a religion where we
are free to ask questions. But, we must
learn to recognize when those questions are answered, even when the answer may
not be what we wanted or hoped for. On
Sunday my Bishop got up and gave us a warning that struck me. I was filled with the spirit telling me his
words were of God, and that they were true.
He spoke these words with such power I could not deny them. He said, “If we are endowed, and we are not
attending the Temple, reading and studying our scriptures and praying regularly,
WE WILL BE DECEIVED!” And we will be my
dear friends. So take head, and have faith!
I know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
is the only church on this earth to be true.
I know that the Leaders of the church speak the words of God. I know that my Savior bled and died for our
sins! He is the living water! We thirst for his love and mercy. And it is freely given if we are willing to
partake of it. I know that Thomas S. Monson is the true and
living Prophet today. I know that Joseph
Smith saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ when he was just 14 years old. He translated the gold plates into the sacred
words of The Book of Mormon, another Testament of Jesus Christ. I know that we are given blessings to help us
achieve the rewards we are promised.
Our Savior loves us.
He is there to advocate for us and guide us. He is our Redeemer and friend. Proverbs 3:5-6
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own
understanding. In all thy ways
acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”
Love Love Love LOVE this post! Thank you for sharing your wonderful testimony!