Saturday, April 16, 2011


This picture is title "Finding Purpose in Life", and today I realized the real purpose of this blog.  Yes I have complained, and whined.  And I don't think that is really what I wanted for this blog when I started it.  Who really wants to hear me complain about my self image?  I hear it enough in my own head.  Now I cannot guarantee that it won't happen again, but to my readers, the few of you that there are, I will try to be better.

I don't know what my whole purpose in this life is, and I don't know that I will ever fully understand my purpose, but I know I have one.  I know I am a daughter of God, and I know that he needs me to remember that so that I might be able to help others around me.  So that I might be able to be a good mother, wife, friend, daughter, and many other things.  I struggle with things sometimes, I struggle with how I feel about myself, and I how I am measuring up as a mother.  But there is one thing I try to always remember, that I am NEVER alone.  I always have my Savior to lean on, to trust and have faith in.  And how blessed I am to know this.

I have expressed anger in this blog before, and well frankly, I was angry.  But I don't that this blog was the place for it.  I have since deleted that post.

I think the purpose of this blog is to do what the title says, Lifting The Soul.  So from now on that is what I am going to try to do.  Whether it is just my soul that is lifted or by chance a reader.  I am going to quote a reader:
"I usually dont read blogs cause I cant seem to remember to keep up on them lol. But as I was laying in bed last night not sleeping I read your lifting the soul. I only read a few of the entries but just wanted to let you know that I really liked it. I really need to get back into going to church and it really helped me."

As I read this, I will admit that it really stirred something within me.  I thought to myself, "wow this blog really does mean something to someone other than myself.  So I need to be sure to only write uplifting things on here.

In response to my reader, I understand how easy it is to become inactive.  I have been there.  It is a lot harder to get back into the habit of going.  Especially when you have early morning church, the alarm goes off and you just want to stay in bed.  I have those moments often.  But one thing that I think we need to be sure to remember is that, sometimes it is in those moments when we need to go the most.  I know that when I go on the days I REALLY don't want to, that is the day I get something great out of it.  And there are also days when my kids are just so naughty in church, I wonder why I even go at all when I don't get to hear anything because I am taking a kid out of the chapel because they are being loud or crying or naughty.  But my mom told me something, she said that we do it so that our children learn how important it is to go.  And she also said that now she misses having the little kids around to disrupt her.  So all these things have a purpose.  I know that it can be hard to go back after being away for a time.  But I can tell you from personal experience, how refreshingly wonderful it is.  It is amazing how open our Savior's arms are.  He is there and he is waiting, he his patient and he is kind.  He is everything that Love defines.  He is our Redeemer, and he will never leave us alone.  And that can always bring us comfort no matter where we are in our lives.

Having a purpose is something every individual in this world looks for in this world.  And if we can find the right things in our lives that make us strive to become better, more Christ like, more loving and kind, we can find our purpose.  I think it is important to know that we all DO have a purpose in this world, God has not left anyone out.  We all have a purpose in his plan.  And our purpose is a great one, no purpose is better than another.  And if we live righteously we can find that purpose.

One thing I know, is that the Temple is an amazing place to learn about our purpose here on earth.  President Hinkley said that he learned something new every time he went to the temple.  Sometimes when i go, i wonder if I learned anything new, but even if I am just reminded, I think I am continually learning.  Gosh I LOVE the Temple!

So from now on I am going to try to make this blog more Uplifting, like I meant it to be in the beginning. And to help you have a good day or night, whenever it may be that you are reading this.  Here is a link to a video that I love.  This post is dedicated to my reader, who helped me more than they know.  Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. NICE, good resolve to be positive, I know I often get caught up in all the negative in my life and the things that go wrong and it makes a spiral downward, into a negative, sad, funnel cloud. Your a good friend Laura and your testimony and love has helped me a lot, I appreciate it! LOVE YOU!
